Uruguay - Argentina 3:1

28 JUL 1918, Copa Honor Uruguayo


1:0 Héctor Pedro Scarone 7', 2:0 Ángel Romano 9', 2:1 Candido Garcia 23', 3:1 Ángel Romano 64'


Cayetano Saporiti, Alfredo Foglino, Alfredo Zibechi, Pascual Somma, Ángel Romano, Héctor Pedro Scarone, José Benincasa, Americo Carbone, Isabelino Gradin, Ricardo Medina, José Vanzzino


Antonio Ferro, Pedro Calomino, Candido Garcia, Carlos Isola, José Laiolo, José Alfredo Lopez, Alfredo N Martin, Ernesto Mattozzi, Alberto Ohaco, Nicolas Rofrano, Antonio Schiarretta


Parque Pereira

See also

All matches in 1910s

All matches against Uruguay

Previous match

18 JUL 1918 *URU - ARG1:1Copa Honor Uruguayo

* Data might not be fully accurate. It needs to be verified with reliable sources. Want to help? Contact me at [email protected].

Next match

15 AUG 1918 *ARG - URU0:0Copa Honor Argentino

* Data might not be fully accurate. It needs to be verified with reliable sources. Want to help? Contact me at [email protected].

Data might not be fully accurate for this game yet. It needs to be verified with reliable sources. Want to help? Contact me at [email protected].